Irregular Grid

This grid has been one of the more enjoyable pencil projects i have done during this semester just because of how far you can go with your design. I had inspiration from the guitar hero guitar, all the way to the American flag. This had some astounding feedback and i can say with absolute certainty … More Irregular Grid


This project was very fun because we finally had the privilege of, COLOR!! We had to use as many materials with different textures as possible and although i had a few more in the earlier pictures i realized during creation that some things are better left off. I especially tried creating a theme with the … More COLOUR


I like getting A’s and this is no exception. Choosing the shapes to use was really fun and seeing how they form. I really didnt like the difficulty with the new version of Illustrator but sometimes life forces you to swim against the current.  

Over 9000

This practice really helped me with understanding the tools you can utilize in Illustrator. It also proved that everything looks like a flower when its repeated and rotated, no matter how ridiculous the drawing is.


Repetition, really annoying when someone says something 2 billion times, but when you repeat a pattern it looks pretty cool. working with all of these pictures really takes power from the computer which lead to some frustrating crashes. I liked this project significantly because all of these forms were exciting to make because it had … More RepetitionRepetitionRepetitionRepetitionRepetitionRepetitionRepetitionRepetitionRepetitionRepetitionRepetitionRepetitionRepetitionRepetitionRepetitionRepetitionRepetitionRepetitionRepetitionRepetitionRepetitionRepetitionRepetitionRepetitionRepetitionRepetitionRepetitionRepetitionRepetitionRepetitionRepetitionRepetitionRepetitionRepetitionRepetitionRepetitionRepetitionRepetitionRepetitionRepetitionRepetitionRepetitionRepetitionRepetitionRepetitionRepetitionRepetitionRepetitionRepetitionRepetitionRepetitionRepetitionRepetitionRepetitionRepetitionRepetitionRepetitionRepetitionRepetitionRepetitionRepetitionRepetitionRepetitionRepetitionRetepitionRepetitionRepetitionRepetitionRepetitionRepetitionRepetitionRepetitionRepetitionRepetitionRepetitionRepetitionRepetitionRepetitionRepetitionRepetitionRepetitionRepetitionRepetitionRepetitionRepetitionRepetitionRepetitionRepetitionRepetitionRepetitionRepetitionRepetitionRepetitionRepetitionRepetitionRepetitionRepetitionRepetitionRepetitionRepetitionRepetitionRepetitionRepetitionRepetitionRepetitionRepetition

Eye of the tiger

This project was really interesting because it allowed me to dabble in something i never tried before, abstraction. It was difficult the more you had to take away whilst still retaining the motive and its characteristics. I failed in preserving the motion in the tiger running to the final image but if i were to re-do … More Eye of the tiger

The final 10-grams

 This tangram project was really eye-opening because we had such little choices of shape, but ultimately endless possibilities for them. I made 4 of the composition styles and the one that i chose (loved the most) was the representational composition. The two fabulous filly’s prance across the white prairie despite the color differences. Some of … More The final 10-grams

10 grams

All of these tangrams are the product of blood, sweat, and tears. I absolutely loved it. From almost tearing the papers up out of frustration and the euphoria of actually finding something that works.   Tangrams, you took my life